This mom — I loved! She went through our website — looked at all the pics and knew EXACTLY what she wanted for her son’s train party. Not Thomas. She didn’t want branded (we LOVE that!). Tie dye balloons, yes please – sparklie garland, yes please, blue cupcake cake and cupcakes, yes please — FLOWERS, a resounding YEEEEEEES please! I believe so strongly in flowers to really add impact to a space and to make a party beautiful. If Lucy and I had our way — we would have LOADS of fresh flowers at the COOP all the time. But unfortunately — that is quite costly — and just not feasible. Not to mention the TIME it takes to go to the flower mart, pick out flowers and then come home and arrange them. We make an effort to have at least one arrangement — but we just can’t go as crazy with the flowers as we would love to! That was the main thing I loved about this party mommie! She had seen the photos of our flowers on our site and blog and said — please please please — do what you do with your gorgeous flowers and I will pay for them! LOVE her. Because the flowers were specifically for her train party — I tried to stay in the “train” colors of red, white, yellow and blue. Not always easy for me to limit myself in that way when I am at the Flower mart – but I think I did a pretty good job. To me — the table looks so much more full and gorgeous with flowers….inside/ outside/ gift table — we did flowers all over. And it makes a big difference, I think. Mom was so happy she gave me a big hug and kiss when she saw them. LOVE her. LOVE flowers. LOVED this party.